
#2 又一個環島的笨蛋 - 之決定篇

OK ... it is decided!

I will do it. I want to do it. Not sure if I can do it but I am going to do it!

Picking the dates is an issue. What am I going to tell my bosses? That I really need this trip to "find" myself? How do you communicate "find myself" to the people that pays you to work?

"I need to do this ...", I said.

She looked at me with a look that resemble that she understands. As she shift her eyes away, a few words came out: "Then go do it ... if this is what you have to do then get it done and over with."

It is "approved"!

Originally, the trip is planned to happen end March. The evil work schedule creeped up upon me, making the trip looked virtually impossible. "Ok ... then let's postpone it. Only once, not too far off ...", I silently thought. "End April to early May looks good, there is a holiday there. I can take that opportunity ...", happily I planned.

"You are riding too!!?!" My buddy from work is also riding? This is incredible! I told him about my trip. True enough, it is very contagious .... "I want in!", he jumped in without hesitation, "I will get Charles to join as well ..."

From a singles event, we became a tag-team of 4.

Now comes the hard part ... timing. Charles is pretty alright with any timing that have been proposed. Jacky is a bit more problematic. "June ... end June ... yeah, it is better for me", Jacky wrote on MSN after moments of silence. "But ... but ... it is too hot then", I continued with the hope of an earlier ride. "Wait for me la ...", he plead. "Ok, ok ... end June it is ... no more postponement", I tried to say in a firm tone.

"I am going first ..." I wrote on my MSN to Jacky, "I don't want to wait that long, I will go with you again when you come". "In that case, let me see ... end May?" Jacky asked. Back and forth we sort out the timing ... The final decision: "We ride on 31 May".

That's it! We are good to go, set for launch, ready to ride ... whatever phrase you want to use, this is it!

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